Federal Court Judge Overturns Decision to Phase Out Fish Farms in Discovery Islands Due to Procedural Unfairness

2023-05-05 03:35:45 By : admin
The decision made by Fisheries Minister, Bernadette Jordan, to phase out fish farms in British Columbia's Discovery Islands has been quashed. The decision was made in breach of the industry's rights to procedural fairness, according to a recent ruling by a Federal Court judge. The ruling has brought much relief to fish farm operators who were facing the possible closure of their businesses due to the government's actions.

The decision was met with strong opposition from the aquaculture industry, who argued that it would result in the loss of thousands of jobs and negatively impact local economies. They also argued that the decision was not based on scientific evidence and was instead a politically motivated move to appease environmentalists.
Judge quashes Fisheries Ministers decision to phase out Discovery Islands fish farms  North Island Gazette

The aquaculture industry has a significant presence in the Discovery Islands region, with several companies operating fish farms in the area. These farms are responsible for producing a significant portion of the province's farmed salmon. The industry has been a major contributor to the local economy, providing employment to thousands of people and generating millions of dollars in revenue.

The government's decision to phase out fish farms was based on the findings of a 2019 report which found that salmon farms in the Discovery Islands were having a negative impact on the health of wild salmon populations in the area. The report recommended that all 19 fish farms in the region be phased out by June 2022.

However, the aquaculture industry argued that the report was flawed and that the government had not followed due process in making its decision. They sought a judicial review of the decision, which was granted by the Federal Court.

In his ruling, Justice Peter Globerman found that the government's decision-making process was flawed and that fish farm operators were not given a fair opportunity to respond to the concerns raised in the report. He stated that the government's actions were a breach of procedural fairness.

The ruling has been welcomed by the aquaculture industry, who are now calling for a more collaborative approach to addressing the concerns raised in the report. They have also called for the government to provide more support for the industry, including increased funding for research and development.

One of the companies operating fish farms in the Discovery Islands region is SUN Floating. The company is a leader in the floating PV industry and has a high-quality R&D team. They specialize in designing and processing blow molding products and have many years of technical management experience.

SUN Floating has welcomed the ruling and has called for a more balanced approach to addressing the concerns raised in the report. They have highlighted the importance of the aquaculture industry to the local economy and have urged the government to consider the wider implications of their decisions.

Overall, the ruling has brought much relief to the aquaculture industry in British Columbia. While the concerns raised in the report must be addressed, the industry is now hopeful that a more collaborative and balanced approach can be taken to ensure the long-term sustainability of the sector.